Contract and Compensation
2023-2024 Contract
- Contract Signature page – Available to sign in person during orientation.
- Annual salary for PGY-1 (2024): $67,808
Income Statistics (from 2020)
Statistics from a current intern who is single
- Gross pay: $59,063 – Estimated pay every 2 weeks: $2,271.65
- Net pay after taxes and deductions: $1652.46
- Taxes average – Federal, State, City, Social Security, Medicare = $471.43
- Deductions for Medical Insurance: $41.76, Long Term Disability: $3.64, Optional Dental: $2.91, Optional Vision: $3.58
Statistics from a current intern who is married
- Gross pay: $59,063 – Estimated pay every 2 weeks: $2271.65
- Net pay after taxes and deductions: $1038.15
- Taxes average – Federal, State, City, Social Security, Medicare = $286.10
- Deductions for Medical Insurance: $146.43, Long Term Disability: $3.64, Optional Dental: $16.94, Optional Vision: $7.17
More compensation and tax information
- Any tuition paid in 2021 is a tax write off. This includes your second semester tuition payment.
- Any payments made on student loan interest is a tax write off. This includes payments made under the Adjusted Income Payment plan.
- A single resident with no other capital gains can pay close to 0% federal taxes, assuming that they have no other capital gains (stocks, etc.).