The Washington University in St. Louis Department of Pediatrics is passionate about supporting our patients and the community. Funding from various programs and foundations gives our faculty the ability to develop innovative, therapeutic treatments and our students and trainees more opportunities for advanced learning.
Ways to give
Private support has allowed for unprecedented innovation and discovery and has been essential in advancing human health. Gifts can be directed to the Department of Pediatrics in the form of cash, securities, corporate matching gifts, real estate and personal property. Gifts of all kinds are tax deductible and may be designated for immediate use or as a long-term investment through an endowment.
Via School of Medicine

An outright gift designated to the Department of Pediatrics can be made online by highlighting “Pediatrics” after selecting “Departments & Divisions” under the “School of Medicine.” To support a section or program within the department, please enter the designation of your choice in the box that says “I prefer to enter my own designation” (see to the right).
Outright gifts can also be made via check made out to Washington University with Department of Pediatrics (or the designation of your choice within the department) denoted in the memo line.
Please mail your check to:
Washington University
Attention: Department of Pediatrics
MSC 1082-414-2555
1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-9989
Via St. Louis Children’s Hospital Foundation
Through the support of generous donors, we are able to provide children with life-saving treatments while ensuring they don’t miss out on the best parts of being kids. In fact, everything we do – from the medical equipment we use, to our cutting edge research, to the hospital we create and our family-centered model of care – is 100 percent delivered with the needs of kids in mind. Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission to do what’s right for kids by protecting their right to be one.