The 2024 Pediatrics Research Retreat was held at Live! by Loews, a beautiful venue right next to Ballpark Village. Hundreds of Pediatrics researchers spent the day listening to thought provoking research presentations and networking with colleagues. Twelve presenters discussed topics spanning from paternal obesity at pregnancy ‘s association with steatotic liver disease in offspring to the identification of novel therapeutic targets for Alport syndrome. Keynote speaker, David Ginsburg, MD, covered the genetics of hemostasis.
Stefani Tica, MD, was awarded the Best Abstract in Clinical/Translational Research and Yan Xiong, PhD, was awarded the Best Abstract in Basic Research. Congratulations to both!
Below, you can view some snapshots of the event.
Keynote – David Ginsburg, MD
James V. Neel Distinguished University Professor
Departments of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics, and Pediatrics
University of Michigan
David Ginsburg’s research program has focused on the genetics of inherited bleeding and thrombotic disorders and the structure and function of blood coagulation proteins. His laboratory characterized the molecular pathogenesis of disorders in von Willebrand factor (VWF) function, including von Willebrand disease (VWD) and thrombotic thrombocytopenia (TTP). More recently, their discovery that coagulation factor VIII is synthesized in mouse endothelial cells led to comprehensive studies of the endothelial transcriptome, its heterogeneity across vascular beds, and the response to a variety of inflammatory and other challenges. Similarly, studies of the combined deficiency of factors V and VIII led them to explore the regulation of protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi, illuminating the pathogenesis of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia and the control of cholesterol levels.
Ginsburg received his MD degree from Duke University, completed internal medicine residency at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, and completed hematology fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He has been on the faculty at Michigan since 1985, is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and has published almost 300 papers.
Title: Genetics of Hemostasis: From Bench to Bedside and Back Again


9:00 Check-in and Badge/Ticket Pick-up – Redbirds Room
10:00 Welcome – Cardinals B/C
Gary Silverman, MD, PhD
Platform 1: Trainee Clinical/Translational and Health Services Research – Cardinals B/C
Moderator: Stephanie Fritz, MD, MSCI
10:05 Julia Kolodziej, MD
Epsilon Aminocaproic Acid is Associated with Acute Kidney Injury After Life-Threatening Hemorrhage in Children
10:20 Erin O’Brien, MD
Placental Vascular Abnormalities and Regional Brain Volumes in Fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease
10:35 James Rudloff, MD
Natural Language Processing-Assisted Evaluation of Empiric Antibiotics for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
10:50 Stefani Tica, MD
Parental Obesity at Pregnancy with Risk of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in Young Adult Offspring
11:05 Break
Keynote Address – Cardinals B/C
11:15 David Ginsburg, MD
Genetics of Hemostasis: From Bench to Bedside and Back Again
12:10 Buffet Lunch and Networking – 2nd Floor and Patio
1:00 Poster Session – Cardinals A
2:00 Break
Platform 2: Early Faculty Research – Cardinals B/C
Moderator: Megan Cooper, MD, PhD
2:15 Ezequiel Valguarnera, PhD
Antibacterial Toxins from Human Gut Bacteria Engender Neonatal Colonization Advantage
2:35 Kel Vin Woo, MD, PhD
Regenerative Role of Smooth Muscle FGF in Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension
2:55 Kaye Brathwaite, MD
Identification of Novel Therapeutic Targets for Alport Syndrome Using Expansion Microscopy and Near Super-Resolution Imaging of Podocytes
3:15 Drew Schwartz, MD, PhD
Antibiotic-Induced Death in a Humanized Gnotobiotic Mouse Model of the Neonatal Gut Microbiome
3:35 Break
Platform 3: Trainee Basic Research – Cardinals B/C
Moderator: Julie Bubeck Wardenburg, MD, PhD
3:45 Evangelos Spyridakis, MD
Understanding the Role of an ADAM10 Polymorphism in the Pathogenesis of S. aureus Infection
4:00 Stacey Sohn, MS
Regulation of NK Cell Effector Function by ACLY
4:15 Tyler King, DO
Effects of Maternal Obesity on Offspring Cerebral Glucose Transporter Expression
4:30 Yan Xiong, PhD
TFEB Degradation is Regulated by an IKK/b-TrCP2 Phosphorylation-Ubiquitination Cascade
4:45 Happy hour