
Allergy & Pulmonary Medicine
The multidisciplinary Washington University Division of Pediatric Allergy and Pulmonary Medicine at St. Louis Children’s Hospital is a premier academic program, and its commitment to excellence in patient care, teaching, and research was recognized by our inclusion as one of America’s best pulmonary services, according to Parent magazine’s survey and the US & World Report Best Hospitals ranking. Some key clinical services: Pediatric Asthma and Allergy Center, Cystic Fibrosis Center, Pediatric Lung Transplantation Center, Pediatric Sleep Clinic and Laboratory, Pediatric pulmonary clinics and laboratories, Pediatric Bronchoscopy and the Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) & Rare Lung Disease Center.

Allergy & Pulmonary Medicine Fellowships
Division of Allergy & Pulmonary Medicine
Pediatric Pulmonology: ACGME accredited program where clinical training accounts for a total of twelve months of the fellowship, with six to seven months of clinical service or elective time the first year of training, and the remaining five to six months total during the final two years.
Pediatric Allergy/Immunology: A two-year ACGME accredited program with an optional third year for those who wish to explore research more deeply.

American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA)
The AMWA is a national organization that is dedicated to promoting women's health, improving the professional development and personal well-being of its members, and increasing the influence of women in all aspects of the medical profession.

The Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology at Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) provides anesthesia and critical care services at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. St. Louis Children’s Hospital (SLCH) is a Level I Pediatric Trauma center with 250 pediatric beds. St. Louis Children’s Hospital is one of the top pediatric transplant centers in the country and we are consistently ranked among the best children’s hospitals in the nation.

Ari Berlin, MD Distinguished Intern Award
Presented annually to a pediatric intern who exemplifies the qualities of compassion, perseverance, and determination, inspiring those around them in their pursuit for excellence in clinical medicine. This award is given in memory of Dr. Ari Berlin, a distinguished and inspiring former Washington University medical student and pediatric intern at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

Association of Women Faculty
The Association of Women Faculty fosters professional and social interactions among women faculty, to defend campus-wide diversity and to advance the interests of women faculty at Washington University in St. Louis.

The Department of Audiology at St. Louis Children's Hospital offers a full range of clinical services for pediatric patients with hearing disorders and auditory problems, including: Behavioral Hearing Tests, Conditioned Play Audiometry, Conventional Audiometry, Tympanometry, Ototacoustic Emission Testing, Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), Sleep-deprived ABR, Sedated ABR, Central Auditory Processing Testing (CAP), Hearing Aid Evaluation and Fitting

Back-Up Care Advantage Program
Provides care for employees when they need to be at work and their regular child or elder/adult care is unavailable.

Baldridge Lab
Dustin Baldridge, MD, PhD
Division of Genetics and Genomic Medicine
The laboratory focuses on genomic medicine and functional genomics, implementing experimental and informatics approaches to solve a fundamental problem in human genetics, namely the overwhelming number of Variants of Uncertain Significance (VUS) generated via exome and genome sequencing.