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Child Health and Education Lab

Allison King, MD, MPH, PhD

The Child Health and Education Laboratory focuses on children with chronic illness, specifically those with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) or brain tumors.

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Child Health Research Center

Work in this center focuses on human developmental biology, promoting discovery by junior pediatrics faculty in the pathology of, and novel treatments for, a spectrum of pediatric diseases and conditions.

The Department of Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine received a five-year, $2 million renewal of its designation as a Child Health Research Center of Excellence by the National Institutes of Health. The principal investigator for this project is Gary Silverman, MD, PhD, and the program director is David Hunstad, MD.

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Children’s Discovery Institute (CDI)

The Children’s Discovery Institute is the result of a shared vision to change the way pediatric research is conducted and an intense commitment to bring about dramatic results in pediatric care.

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Clemens Lab

Regina Clemens, MD, PhD
Division of Critical Care Medicine

Neutrophils play a key role in host defense and have an ever-expanding list of roles in health and disease. However, neutrophil dysregulation can lead to catastrophic inflammation. In the intensive care unit, neutrophil dysfunction contributes to pathology in many diseases including sepsis, organ transplant, acute lung injury and stroke.

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Clinical Informatics Fellowship

Institute for Informatics, Data Science & Biostatistics

The Institute for Informatics, Data Science and Bi7ostatistics and the Department of Pediatrics are pleased to offer the Clinical Informatics fellowship. Clinical informatics is one of the newest American Board of Medical Specialty subspecialties, which focuses on biomedical data, computational systems and clinical process improvement applied to the practice of medicine. This program has the mission to create leaders in health informatics.

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Clinical Trials

Authoritative source for clinical study best practices and forms.

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Registry of public & privately funded human clinical trials around the world maintained by the US Institutes of Health.

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Compliance & Policies

Collection of resources to operate in compliance with in institutional health, safety and security standards.

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Congenital Heart Disease Center

Congenital Heart Disease Center focuses on the environmental and genetic etiology of congenital heart and vascular disease, related birth defects and other heart disorders.