A culture of mentoring…
The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) in the Department of Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) is committed to the professional development of all faculty members. Mentoring is seen as a key initiative in the success of this goal.
At Washington University School of Medicine , outstanding mentoring is pervasive, with wide-ranging influence in both the scientific and clinical arenas. Many great scientists and clinicians frequently give credit to a mentor or multiple mentors who provided guidance, encouragement and support – both professionally and personally.
The faculty and staff of OFD understand that cultivating a successful mentoring relationship can present unique challenges for both parties engaged in the process. Provided here is a set of resources to potentially enrich the mentoring relationship, for both individuals seeking a mentor and those seeking to provide guidance.
Getting started
The Department of Pediatrics Office of Faculty Development would like to assist those at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank in obtaining mentoring to achieve your goals as a faculty member. We can provide support in arranging regular meetings of your mentorship committee. We recommend that these committees meet at least twice a year.
Mentor selection
- Contact Phil Abraham or Katherine Rivera-Spoljaric to initiate the mentor process and if needed, assist with mentor selection.
- Scheduling Meetings: Submit six dates to OFD program coordinator, Megan Shaffer, so mentors can be polled for mutually agreeable date.
- Meetings will be held in SLCH 6100J Office of Faculty Development Office unless otherwise indicated or upon request.
- As soon as possible, email your CEP to all mentors prior to your meeting
- Print and bring a mentor meeting template to help guide meeting
- Be prepared to decide on a date and time of your next meeting
- Review info for mentees and mentors on this website
Please complete the mentor meeting evaluation. This evaluation is primarily to assess the effectiveness of our mentor program, not the individuals participating.
Contact us with any questions.